
Moa Bogren & Jens Wedin @Studio Manfred
Critical Design from Theory to Practice

The more dependent we get on technology, and the more impact design and product decisions have on our everyday life, the more important it gets that we have methods to calculate and explore future risks with these decisions. Because it impacts us not only as individuals but as a society and our planet.

About facilitators:

Moa Bogren has over ten years of experience working with product and tech in roles such as Customer and user Research, UX and Data in a wide variety of different fields and organisations. 

Jens Wedin has 24 years of experience in design, research, and leadership. Jens is the co-founder and CEO of Studio Manfred and co-founded State of Design and Design Leadership Community in Sweden.

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Burcu Arsoy, Design Lead @Electrolux & Vaida Pakulyte, UX Lead @Technigo
Decision Making Unravelled

Sources suggest that the average person makes 35,000 choices per day. Some of them we make without thinking, and some are more complex that require mental processes. So how often do we reflect on how we make decisions, individually or in a group? How well do we know our preferences, and how effectively do we communicate those? We'll try out different tools to foster easier and better decision making both in our personal and professional lives.

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More speakers and workshop facilitators will be announced soon!

We hope to see you on November 10th.